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Nutaui nanatuapatamᵘ ait upakassiun uin, ute etat uinipekut, ui mitshu tshiashku-uaua kie ui mueu tshiashkussa, utshashumekua mak atshikua.

My father will seek food elsewhere, being here on the coast, he wants to eat seagull eggs and he wants to eat young seagulls, salmon and seals.

– Pitshau anite uetuteiakᵘ, ipan nimushum.

"We've come a very long way," my grandfather used to say.

Mitshetinua aueshisha, natamikᵘ eishinakushiniti: musha, atikua, amishkua.

There are many animals, there are several different kinds: moose, caribou, beavers.

Anutshish eukuan eshkᵘ eshinakuak, uenapissish ute nashipeuat uinipekut, menushkaminiti tshekat napinniti,

It's still like that now, they come back to the coast for a time, when the greenery appears before summer arrives,

Eukuan itenitakushipan nukum, tshetshishepaushiniti eiamituashut, mishta-minu-tshishikanu mani.

That's what my grandmother was like, she used to pray in the morning, often, the weather was very nice.

Pitshenik tshika shetshishuat tshetshi unitaht utinnu-aitunuau.

They will begin to fear losing their Innu culture.

Mishta-minuatamukupanat etataui utassiuat tanite minuashu meshkanau mak mitshena shakaikana kie kapatakana.

They must have enjoyed being in their territory because the trail is beautiful and there are many lakes and portages.

Mate, nimushum inniu nutshimit miam utauia kie umushuma.

For example, my grandfather was born in the interior [inland] region like his father and grandfather.

Tanite mitshetuau animiu, mitshetuau peikussu.

Because he has known misery many times, he has been alone many times.

Nanitam kushpipanat nutaui.

My father and his family often went into the woods.

– Eka nita uni-tshissituta, nitikuti, takuan anite nitipenitamun nutshimit, eka ui metuatshe.

"Never forget," he used to tell me, "I have my domain inland, do not play [gamble, take risks] with it."

nipinu minuakamishinipan, minuenitakuannipan utinniunuau.

the water was calm, their life was pleasant.

Mamitunenitamᵘ ka aitiht nete ueshkat, pemishkataui ushkuai-utinu,

He thinks about what they used to do long ago, when they paddled in a bark canoe,

Aishkat tshe ishinakuak

The future [lit.: What will happen in the future]

Tshi nipaiati, tshe naikak uikuaiatshikunu mak tshe pitatshet piminu ekᵘ tshe mitshit pimiatshikunu.

When he has killed one, he'll clean its stomach and add some fat to it, and then he will eat seal blubber.

– Ka Tipenitak an tshika uitshikunan, ipan nana nukum.

"The Creator will be the one to help us," my late grandmother used to say.

Mukᵘ aishkat, apu tshika ut tshissinuapamikut innu utauassima, aianishkat tshe petuteniti.

But later, the Innu will not be imitated by his children, those who will come after him.

Ekue itak: « Tshe nakatamuin tshitshissenitamun, nika shaputuepan nin tshitatusseun. » Minutamᵘ nenu etak.

And I said to him: "Leave me your knowledge, I will continue your work." He is pleased to hear what I tell him.

e uinnuniti aueshisha ui nipaieuat, « tshimakateu aueshish nutshimit » iteuat.

they want to kill animals with more fat on them, "the inland animals are thin" they say.

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