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Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation


It's raining.

Tshika tshishiteu.

It's going to be warm.

Miam nukushu pishimᵘ.

The sun is just starting to appear.

Tshimuanipan utakushit.

It rained yesterday.

Eshe, mishta-ashissiu.

Yes, it's very muddy.

Tshika minu-tshishikau a?

Is the weather going to be nice?


The weather is bad.

Mauat, eshkᵘ tipishkau.

No, it's still dark out.

Shash a uapan?

Is it getting light out?

Eshe, shash tshekat uapan.

Yes, it's almost dawn.

Eshe, tshika minu-tshishikau.

Yes, it's going to be nice out.


It's really cold.


It's warm.

Kie nuapuian iapit mishta-nipiu.

And my blanket is very wet, too.

Mishta-nipiu patshuianitshuap.

The tent is very wet.

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